1st International Labour Conference “The State of Employment in India: Problems and Prospects”
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This was the first such endeavour of the Centre. The subject of this Conference was decided keeping into consideration the socio-economic priorities of our country in the present context. The Conference had three sub-themes: Economic growth and employment generation; Structure of employment and Labour Market; Social Issues in Labour
The Centre received a great response to the ‘Call for Papers’ announcement and received nearly 150 extended abstracts. After a process of peer review and scrutiny, 45 abstracts were selected and all were asked to submit full papers. Out of these full papers, 28 papers were selected for presentation.
Apart from the inaugural and valedictory session, on two days, the Conference had six technical sessions (two each dedicated to each of three subthemes). Altogether, 28 papers were presented at the conference by distinguished scholars and faculties drawn from all corners of our country. Apart from paper presentations, the other highlight was 12 key-note addresses encompassing various themes of the Conferences by the eminent experts, academicians and practitioners in this subject.
The conference covered not only the trends and issues on various aspects of the labour market, the employment generation processes, and the conditions of labour, besides explanations and comparative studies, but also the policies, programmes and government initiatives and reforms required for healthy growth of employment, besides improvement in life and workplace conditions of labour.
Keynote speaker(s)
Key-note speakers included Partha Pratim Mitra, Prof K J Joseph, Prof. Santosh Mehrotra, Prof. Indira Hirway, Prof. Jeemol Unni, Prof. Selim Raihan, Prof. Keshab Das, Prof. Vinoj Abraham, Prof. Indraneel Bhowmik, Prof. Vivekananda Mukherjee and Dr. Ellina Samantroy.
Prof. Sebastian Morris
Prof. Sebastian Morris is Senior Professor and Chair of the Centre for Public Policy and Governance at the Goa Institute of Management. He retired from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad after over 25 years of teaching, research and consultation. His principal interests are the Indian economy, infrastructure development and regulation, the public sector and governance, international trade and investments, macroeconomics, and small industry. His recent books have been: Macroeconomic Policy in India since the Global Financial Crisis – Trends, Policies and Challenges in Economic Revival Post COVID (Springer Nature, 2022); (ed.) The Difficulty of Being Gajendra Haldea – Reflections on His Life and Legacy (Bloomsbury, 2023) and (ed.) The India Infrastructure Report 2023 – Urban Planning and Development (Bloomsbury, 2023).
https://sebastianmorris.org/ ;
; +91 832 2366733;
Contact: morris@gim.ac.in ; 91 832 2366942
Prof. Kingshuk Sarkar
Prof. Kingshuk Sarkar is Associate Professor in the area of General Management and Public Policy Area at the Goa Institute of Management. He had earlier served as labour administrator for more than two decades with the Govt. of West Bengal. His interests include labour & industrial economics, development economics, business economics, labour administration and labour laws, plantation economics and labour, labour laws and labour administration, employment relations and informal labour. In the past, he has worked as a faculty at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida specializing in labour laws and labour administration. He has also worked as Assistant Professor in the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, in connection with works related to BPL Census 2011.
https://gim.ac.in/faculty/kingshuk-sarkar ;
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kingshuk-sarkar-060b564a/ ;
Contact: kingshuk@gim.ac.in ; 91 832 2366942
5.30 pm to 6.00 pm: Registration and Refreshments
6.00 pm to 6.05 pm: Welcome (Dr. Pushkar and Ms. Bernice de Souza)
6.05 pm to 6.10 pm: Inaugural Remarks by Prof. Ajit Parulekar, Director, GIM
6.10 pm to 6.15 pm: Inaugural Remarks by Prof. Imran Rahman, Vice Chancellor, ULAB
6.15 pm to 6.20 pm: Setting the Context (Prof. Sebastian Morris, Chair, CPPG-GIM)
6.20 pm to 7.00 pm: Keynote address by Prof. Sudeep Chakravarti, Director, C-SAS, ULAB
7.00 pm to 7.25 pm: Open session, discussion and Q&A (Moderated by Prof. Kingshuk Sarkar, Member, CPPG)
7.25 pm to 7.30 pm: Vote of Thanks (Ms. Christal Ferrao)
Contact Persons
Prof. Kingshuk Sarkar, Associate Professor, and Member, CPPG, GIM
Email: kingshuk@gim.ac.in
Contact no: +91 9007704524; +91 8322366942
Ms. Bernice de Souza, Senior Research Associate, CPPG, GIM
Email: bernice@gim.ac.in
Mb: +91 9923693329
Ms. Vividha Amonkar, Executive – Administration, CPPG, GIM
Email: vividha@gim.ac.in
Mb: +91 94052 01816